Cadillac, MI

Where we live and serve

The Cadillac community action committee (CAC) is in Michigan, specifically serving the Northwest Lower Peninsula.

About our CAC

Currently, we have five members representing the non-profit sector, support groups, caregivers, and hospital administrators as well as health professionals. For future engagement, we wish to engage the Council on Aging and a media specialist.

Our “Why?”

Currently, our community experiences a lack of…

  • Medical providers, including physicians, neurologists and movement disorder specialists
  • Awareness of Parkinson’s leads to a sense of invisibility for people with Parkinson’s

Our Healthy Parkinson’s Community Vision

  • Increase visibility of those living with Parkinson’s
  • Increase credibility and accessibility of resources for those living with Parkinson’s
  • Increase and expand resources for those living with Parkinson’s