The Healthy Parkinson’s Communities grants program aims to help us realize our mission to help people with Parkinson’s live well today. By funding programs and initiatives that are unique to the places and people they are designed to support, we can work to eliminate barriers and expand Parkinson’s care for all.
2024 Community Grants Update
We have put an indefinite hold on our Community Grants program as of January 2024.
When we started our HPC Community Grants Program in 2021, we did so because we saw a very real need to invest in grassroots solutions to challenges of access, awareness, and engagement, particularly in underserved communities. Since then, we have been able to invest $470,000 into programs that have moved the needle on creating a more complete path to care, health literacy, and living well in communities across the country.
This pause in community funding is not a pause in our commitment to advancing the agenda of equitable access and care for all people living with Parkinson’s. Nor is it a divestment in the power of grassroots organizing. While we aim to bring this granting program back in the future, we continue to invest in communities through our Healthy Parkinson’s Communities™ initiative and programs including our Ambassador Leadership program, HPC Network, Hispanic Community Engagement, and (most recently) Pedaling for Parkinson’s. Through this effort, we still intend to be a partner with leaders like you who have the vision and creativity necessary to change how people live with Parkinson’s in communities everywhere.
Funded Projects
Visit our FAQ for more information.